The Syrian conflicts have been occurring since the 15th of March 2011, as a secular revolt against autocracy. It turned out to be more than just a conflict that would be resolved with war. Some claiming it started of with only peaceful demonstrations then it evolved in to a continuous matter of disasters. While others claimed that they were more than just ‘peaceful demonstrations’. Obviously each discourse has their reasons for believing the truth they want to believe. Yet, what really is the truth? How can we know who is truthful and who is not? Was the media exaggerating? All these questions and more are doubts we all have when we see the news. Especially when it comes to news from the Middle East. It is hard for others to know the truth since we only see what the media tends to show us. Who is behind the media? The Syrian conflicts tended to divide its people in to two opposite dominant discourses. According to Michel Foucault, truth, morality and meaning are created through out discourse. Every age has a dominant group of discursive elements that people live in unconsciously. In relation, Syrian citizens cannot see what is right through out these conflicts. Yet, these people have not realized that these conflicts have affected them extremely to a point where it became a group discourse. The negative actions being taken proved the exact opposite of wanting peace. Yet, if their actions are negative, why are they fighting for positive purposes? Is it controverting or contradicting? Triggering the Syrians to fight over what they want in a way that genuinely proves the opposite. Even though the dominant discourses have power with all the harm they have caused, there is still a higher class of power that indirectly controls these discourses which is the government. Nevertheless, peace and love never came from discrimination and non-explication. This is exactly what the government wants; to gain power over its citizens to be able to
The Syrian conflicts have been occurring since the 15th of March 2011, as a secular revolt against autocracy. It turned out to be more than just a conflict that would be resolved with war. Some claiming it started of with only peaceful demonstrations then it evolved in to a continuous matter of disasters. While others claimed that they were more than just ‘peaceful demonstrations’. Obviously each discourse has their reasons for believing the truth they want to believe. Yet, what really is the truth? How can we know who is truthful and who is not? Was the media exaggerating? All these questions and more are doubts we all have when we see the news. Especially when it comes to news from the Middle East. It is hard for others to know the truth since we only see what the media tends to show us. Who is behind the media? The Syrian conflicts tended to divide its people in to two opposite dominant discourses. According to Michel Foucault, truth, morality and meaning are created through out discourse. Every age has a dominant group of discursive elements that people live in unconsciously. In relation, Syrian citizens cannot see what is right through out these conflicts. Yet, these people have not realized that these conflicts have affected them extremely to a point where it became a group discourse. The negative actions being taken proved the exact opposite of wanting peace. Yet, if their actions are negative, why are they fighting for positive purposes? Is it controverting or contradicting? Triggering the Syrians to fight over what they want in a way that genuinely proves the opposite. Even though the dominant discourses have power with all the harm they have caused, there is still a higher class of power that indirectly controls these discourses which is the government. Nevertheless, peace and love never came from discrimination and non-explication. This is exactly what the government wants; to gain power over its citizens to be able to