Basic concept
1. I am recommending that we put in place a tried & tested model called Systems Approach to Training (SAT) or Instructional System Design (ISD). Although there are many different approaches defined, the Systems Approach to Training has been the most successful, and is widely adopted by many commercial companies, public institutions and social enterprises in Australia, US, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. It is a system highly recommended after consultation with Prof Trevor Parmenter of University of Sydney, Centre for Disability Studies [my alma-mater]. Motorola, the Civil Service College and Armed Forces are some good examples of successful adoption of this training model.
2. The ISD [or SAT] model can be illustrated as follows :
Stages in the Instructional System Design (ISD)
3. There are 5 important stages in ISD or Systems Approach to Training : * Analysis * Design (sometime combined with Development or vice versa) * Development * Implementation or Delivery * Evaluation
4. Fundamental concept of Training Needs Analysis (TNA) * Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the “Identification of training gap and training requirements, as well as the most cost effective means of meeting those requirements”. * It is a systematic method of determining if a training need exists and if it does, what training is required to fill the gap between the required standard and the current actual performance of the Client/employee. * TNA should always be performed before developing any training regime.
Needs Analysis ensures transition from ambiguity to “the heart of the matter.”
5. TNA would first answer 3 main questions for the organization and the training professionals: * Is training the answer or is there a better performance solution? * What are the performance problems? Who needs to be trained, and on what subjects? * What will be the result expected