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Taboo Words and Euphemisms
إعداد الطالب : أحمد خويلد
بإشراف الدكتورة: أمينة معتوق
Taboo words and Euphemisms
Taboo: is a word or phrase not to be used or at least it is consedevd as not polite to use the word "Taboo" came from tongan,it refers to acts that are forbedden. words are considered as taboo words because of: fear, tradition, education, hurting, language beauty and social limit. there are no general rule for Taboo words, some words may considered as a taboo in one occasion but it is ok in other occasion, like the word "black" it is general word about colour. It is not a taboo to say for example "Black cat" but it will be Taboo when talking about human as in "Black man" Most of thise forbedden words are about: religion,sex,polihcs bedy part and blasphemy
1- let's start with retigion:In some places taking about religion is not allawed. Some English people say : "Oh_My_Gosh" instead of "Oh my god" and they say "heck" instead of "hell" becanse all people afread of hell.
2-sex: as we all know meantioning the sex in any language is a Taboo,actually the word it self is the first example about that himl of taboo
3-politics: most countries found that it is taboo to talk abous politics because thay think it is the veason of wars. Actually the word "war" is a politice taboo other politiice taboo words are: demonestration repels.
4-body parts: In the past people beleve that mentioning body parts or any thing that comes out from body gives bad luck so they consedevd it as ataboo Ex: Chest, Libs, Shit
5- Blasphemy: Blasphemy is the action when somebody speak in a bad way about god or about religion in any way that could make the listener feel bad. like if someone say: "God play Dice.."
There are also some words not in those five sections but they are taboo jut because fear or it is simply forbidden to san those words,