My parents introduced me Tae Kwon Do when I was 4 years old, at the beginning it was uninteresting, but by the time I started to love it.
I did my first tournament at the age of 11. It was an unforgettable experience. The tournament was in a basketball stadium. It was completely full of people, there where 6 areas of combat in the stadium, made with red and blue foami, in a perfect square with eight meters each side. In my last round I was wearing red “peto”, my oponent blue. When the tournament started, people in …show more content…
It was in 2014 when I was training to the National Selection when I get involved in a Tae Kwon Do high performance program in “Centro Ceremoneal Otomí”; a cultural place in Mexico; I was there by 2 weeks training Tae Kwon Do in a hard an difficult manner. Getting up at four to train in the morning, at six in the afternoons, and doing tournaments in midday at a very low temperatures. After living that amazing experience I realice how much I love Tae Kwon Do and how good I am.
Over the years I participated in many tournaments and programs that I still remember and make me proud, grabbing first place in Statal championships and seconds and thirds in National Tournaments, I realize that Tae Kwon Do is not just a sport, Tae Kwon Do is a life style. Every new thing that I learned, helps me to improve, and not to make the same mistake. Every time that the hurt invades my body, by a fight well done, I grabbed satisfaction. Every time I go to training, I do it with a happiness that fills me