Ian Frazier was an
American writer and humorist.
He is a writer and humorist for The
New Yorker.
Ian Frazier was best known for his 1989 non- fiction history
Great Plains.
• Place he lives in Brooklyn
• His daughter, a city kid
• Small trip with train F
• People and scenery he saw
• Crab incident
• Reasons why he like Brooklyn
• People in Brooklyn are come from different cou ntries. • Habit of looking down all the times
• His favorite place, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
• His neighbors
• Chris, his neighbor
“As I watched the F train passengers emerge among the grass and trees of
Prospect Park, the faces were as varie d as usual, but the expressions of indi gnant surprise were all about the sam
------Page 97. Para 3. Line 5
In a Station of the Metro
------Ezra Pound
The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.
“People in my neighborhood are mostl y white, and middle class or above. P eople in neighborhoods nearby are m ostly not white, and mostly middle cla ss or below.”
--------Page 99. Para 8. Line 1
“There was much unfavorable commen t about “the barbecuers.” Since most o f the barbecuers, as it happens, as it h appens, are black or Hispanic, The phr ase “Barbecuers Go Home”, which som eone spray-painted which someone spr ay-painted on the asphalt at the Ninth
Street entrance to the park.”
--------Page 99. Para 8. Line 9
“At the local copy shop one afternoo n, a crowd was waiting for copies an d faxes when a man in a houndstoot h fedora came in seeking signatures for a petition to have the homeless shelter shut down.”
--------Page 99. Para 10. Line 3
“I just feel the opposite…..”
---------Page 98 paragraph 2
“Like any Americans, I fear living in a n owhere, in a place that is no-place; in
Brooklyn, that doesn’t trouble me at all
--------Page 98 paragraph 2
“People in Brooklyn do not describe wh ere they live in terms of north or west or south. They refer instead to their nei ghborhoods and to the