Section B
Takeover (2) In a globalized world, learning a foreign language has become increasingly important.
Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer, and use facts, statistics and studies to supplement your views.
Learning a foreign language has become almost a necessity in today’s modern society.Technological advances have greatly increased our ability to being able to connect with a vast array of different people from different parts of the world. Millions of people migrate to different countries each year, seeking better opportunity in more prominent countries. It’s no longer just the U.S that can be called a melting pot of different people and cultures, the world is slowly becomes a giant melting pot of different cultures. As such, it is only necessary that one at least attempt to learn another language, after all it will only benefit you culturally, academically, helps prevent diseases like alzheimer’s and dementia, increases one’s overall confidence in themselves, and it opens opportunities, both social and work related. Using online articles, resources to support my paper, and drawing upon my own personal experiences as examples I will be examining and outlining positive benefits, in the following three categories: effects on the brain, effects on one’s cultural empowerment and identify, and finally the effect that it will have on the person 's work potential and opportunities, that a person stands to gain upon learning a different language.
Xavier Perry
Section B
Takeover (2)
“Knowledge is power. Inform1 ation is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every
society, in every family.” -
Kofi Anna
One of the most commonly used quotes in any learning environment is
“Knowledge is Power,” and there is great truth to it. Statistically speaking those who learn a second language, not only gain the power to communicate with another world of people, they are also helping to increase their
Bibliography: . N.p., 2014