How do you feel about sharing secrets with someone you’ve technically never met? Or saying how your life is to someone that you haven’t even seen face-to-face? What about…going to the extent of falling in love with that anonymous stranger? For some people, these things seem out of reach but actually, making a friend from the internet is quite thrilling. I know that most people would immediately say, “That’s so dangerous, I’d better not ever do that.”, but actually, it’s not as scary as it may seem. How can I say this confidently? Just a year ago, I was as scared as a normal person…but right now, after taking chances, I have made a few internet friends myself, and I don’t regret one bit of it, in fact, it’s one of the best risks I’ve taken. I wasn’t planning to brag, I just don’t want people to think that I’m doing this without a bit of experience.
It’s not even all that dangerous if you just use your head, don’t give out your address, don’t share personal details immediately, or don’t give out your last name if you want if you don’t feel comfortable yet, then just don’t do it, it’s simple as that, use your head. If they pressure you, then stop talking to them, your mind knows where that leads to. Just think. Or better, if you can’t stop yourself from being impulsive, then forget about it, stick to personal friends. The idea of earning a friend through the internet right now may seem distant but having one has its fair share of perks. For one, it feels great to actually say that you have a friend from another country, just imagine having a friend from Japan or Korea for an instance. You learn the different lifestyle and culture of their country. Or even pick up a few words and phrases from their language. There might even be some cases where you have homework about their country or so, you can ask them a few questions for a bit of help. Second, if you meet someone older, around 18 and above, you can