Take Notes
Geana Gordon
Kaplan University
Take Notes Using the Outline Method
SQ3R and PRR Reading Techniques
I. Introduction A. This document is about two reading strategies. 1. SQ3R: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. a. Good strategy for long time-frame studying. 2. PRR: Preview, Read, and Recall. a. Good strategy for short, fast studying. B. Determine the reason for your reading. 1. Leisure or educational. C. Develop a plan and select a reading strategy. II. SQ3R Reading Method: D. Survey the text.
1. For purpose. E. Pay attention to organization of the text.
1. Bold font, titles, diagrams, charts, and definitions. III. Question the text. F. Form questions from your important points. IV. Read the text. G. While reading answer your previous questions. 1. Write questions in right side margin. 2. Answers to these questions in left hand margin. V. Recite the questions and answers from your reading. H. Out loud or silently. VI. Review all the text. I. This puts it in your long term memory. 1. Quiz yourself. 2. Make and study index cards for further retention. VII. PRR Reading Method J. Preview the text.
1. Skimming for main points in the text: a. Titles, table of context, introduction, content, and organization. VIII. Read the text.
A. Determine length verses time to read each section of text. B. Formulate questions from your main points and answers. C. Take breaks to clear your mind. IX. Recall the text. K. Remember the text and recite it out loud.
1. Read over main points, questions, and answers. L. Make an outline and take notes to help you retain the information. X. Conclusion M. SQ3R and PRR are effective reading strategies for short and long