It was said by the dictator of public safety during the ranch reign of terror that “terror is nothing then justice, prompt, severe, inflexible.” There was immense resentment built up so that when the seal finally did break, what started as anger and justice quickly turned to revenge and cruelty. The difference between the reigns of Tyrone and terror where the intentions. In this case tyranny came from a place of a detached ignorance, and an unsympathetic arrogance, while the latter sought a false sense of justice to atone for their loses. Liberty, equality, and brotherhood these are the defining qualities that eye revolution intended to restore. Weather for the best or the worse, france’s unspoken emotional state was shattered and
It was said by the dictator of public safety during the ranch reign of terror that “terror is nothing then justice, prompt, severe, inflexible.” There was immense resentment built up so that when the seal finally did break, what started as anger and justice quickly turned to revenge and cruelty. The difference between the reigns of Tyrone and terror where the intentions. In this case tyranny came from a place of a detached ignorance, and an unsympathetic arrogance, while the latter sought a false sense of justice to atone for their loses. Liberty, equality, and brotherhood these are the defining qualities that eye revolution intended to restore. Weather for the best or the worse, france’s unspoken emotional state was shattered and