Today’s SMEs?
A study into the importance and use of talent management within small and medium-sized enterprises Daiva Baublyte
Being an Individual Research Project presented in part requirement for International
Business and Management Studies, Hogeschool INHolland, School of Economics,
Amsterdam/Diemen, The Netherlands, and European Business Administration studies,
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Vantaa, Finland.
25 May, 2010
Under supervision of Brian Downey
This work or any part thereof has not previously been presented in any form to the
Hogeschool INHolland, or Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, or to any other institutional body whether for assessment or other purposes. Save for any express acknowledgements, references and/or bibliographies cited in the work, I confirm that the intellectual content is the result of my own efforts and no other person.
Signed: Daiva Baublyte
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25 May, 2010
I would like to thank my supervisor Brian Downey for guidance and direction while writing this dissertation paper. Also I want to express gratitude to Michael Keaney for getting me started and helping through the toughest starting process, and Marcelo Tyszler for brainstorming ideas for the topic and research question.
And last but not least, the teachers of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and
Hogeschool INHolland for the knowledge they gave me.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements ...............................................................................................................ii
Visual aids ............................................................................................................................. v
Executive Summary.............................................................................................................. vi
Explanations of terms and abbreviations
References: Armstrong, M. (2006) “A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice”, “Chapter 26 - Talent Management”, London: Kogan Page Limited: pp.389-408 *Devins, D. & Johnson, S. (2002) “Engaging SME managers and employees in training: lessons from an evaluation of the ESF Objective 4 Programme in Great Britain”, *Keogh, W. & Stewart, V. (2001) “Identifying the skill requirements of the workforce in SMEs: Findings from a European Social Fund project”, Journal of Small Business and De Kok, J. & Koch, C. (1999) “A Human-Resource-Based Theory of the Small Firm”, EIM Small Business Research and Consultancy, Zoetermeer, last accessed 14.05.2010 Blass, E. (2007) “Talent Management: Maximising Talent for Business Performance”, Chartered Management Institute and Ashridge Consulting, last accessed 14.05.2010 41 Dearlove & Crainer (2009) “Keeping top talent in a down economy”, Management European Commission (2005) “The New SME Definition: User Guide and Model Declaration”, Enterprise and Industry Publications, last accessed 13 May 2010 European Commission (2007) “Observatory of European SMEs”, Flash EB Series #196 – Hale, J., De Young, P. & Moreau, J.L. (2009) “Workforce Planning Improves Productivity”, Watson Wyatt Worldwide, last accessed 14.05.2010 *Hathaway, C. (2008) “The power of integrated reward and talent management. 20082009 Global strategic rewards report and EMEA findings”, Watson Wyatt Worldwide, last accessed 14.05.2010 Pulse Survey Report (2009) “Managing Talent in Tough Times”, Towers Watson (originally published by Towers Perrin), last accessed 14.05.2010 *Unknown author (2009) “Effect of the Economic Crisis on HR Programs”, Watson