Talent Management Takes On New Urgency
Bill Leisy and Dina Pyron Compensation & Benefits Review 2009 41: 58 originally published online 30 March 2009 DOI: 10.1177/0886368709334323 The online version of this article can be found at: http://cbr.sagepub.com/content/41/4/58.citation
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compensation performance management
Talent Management Takes On New Urgency
Bill Leisy Principal Dina Pyron Partner Ernst & Young LLP
In a challenging global economy, organizations need a renewed focus on talent management. hen more than 150 global executives from Fortune 1000 companies were canvassed in Ernst & Young’s 2008 Global HR Risk Survey, the executives were asked, “Which area of human resources risk has the greatest impact on your organization? And in your judgment, which area of HR risk is most likely to occur at your organization?” In both cases, the risk area cited most often, by substantial margins, was talent management—an organization’s capability to recruit, develop, engage, retain and transition its employees. Sixty-five percent of respondents said risk related to talent management has a high or very high impact at their organization. Forty-two percent said such risk has a very high or high likelihood of occurring.
of the unpredictability of human behavior. But there are other, more contemporaneous forces bringing talent management to the forefront of today’s