In the past couple of years there has been a tremendous amounts of terrorist attacks on the United States Of America from the Taliban. Many people everyday most likely are wondering just why would another countries people want to attack us? The origin of the Taliban dates back to 1979 when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. Back in 1973, ((The Soviet Union brought their soldiers into Afghanistan claiming to rebuild the crushing economy. However, the Soviet was resented by the Mujahidin (from whom the Taliban evolved from)) At this time the Soviet Union was also at war with the United States, this infamous war was known as the Yom Kippur War. The Soviet Union's entrance in Afghanistan showed the Soviet's increase in power and strength. The United States didn't want the soviets gaining more power and strength so the United States decided to intervene. The United States didn't want the Soviet Union to take captive of Central Asia, so the U.S fund troops to go help fight the Soviet Union. These troops where called Mujahedeen, The Mujahedeen where supported by several countries including, the U.S., Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Under Reagan's presidency Congress which was led by Democrats, decided to form a partnership with the ISI which would recruit the Mujahedeen with the support of the Pakistani military extreme views of Islam, led the …show more content…
((A large quantity of Taliban supporters are from Afghanistan and Pakistan and are educated at Islamic religious schools referred to as ‘madrasas,’ and the direct Pashto translation of “Taliban” is “students.)) Its said that a numerous amount of Taliban leaders succeeded from the many Afghan refugees studying at religious schools that are located in Pakistan. ((These schools were funded by Pakistani and Arab philanthropists hoping to influence the interpretation of Islam practiced in the