Wanda Felder
COM: 200
Donald Olsen
October 28, 2013
Talking Styles
By doing the language style matching and to predict if it matches relationships with two people is very not accurate at all. Therefore taking the test I scored above average and my relationship would last for a life time. By people having conversations on the internet through email, chat or even text messaging does not mean that person is sincere with a long lasting relationship. Some relationships last a long time if someone goes through a dating service better than just trying to start a relationship on line through text, chat, or IM’s. The style in which couples talk and how they use common words can predict whether a relationship will be forever or not and the body language or non-verbal communication goes with each conversation each day. People are attracted to their partners, in some cases if the person resembles themselves in physical appearance.
Dating sites are more effective in bring people together and they have a lasting relationship. Many dating sites are not relationship proof and people spend money just to find their true love, after spending money one a dating sites, do the man or woman find their true love forever or would it is better to find the love of their life for free.
Dating sites are reliable than taking the Language style matching to predict if a couple would have an interpersonal relationship. The way people talk to each other also determines if the relationship will last for a long time, and the communication in non-verbal and in verbal and speak the same style, it says” they are on the same page. For instance the dating site E Harmony has couples that are engaged or married and they seem like they are happy because they have found the right person, now if they too the language style matching and found out they are not compatible.
These are not nouns or verbs, but everyday words such as a, be, anything, that, will,