In the end of the book the protagonist’s problem finally is resolved, when he gains the courage to tell someone about the violent and angry behavior his brother shows all the time. At the end of the book Paul said to the police officer ,”I saw him, I saw Arthur Bauer sneak up on Luis Cruz, like a coward and hit him on the side of the head. Luis never even saw it coming… I saw - I heard Erik Fisher tell him to do it.” This is really where Paul overcomes his problem in the book by finally telling someone else about the things that he saw his brother do.
Throughout the book Paul is always having to deal with his violent older brother and his friend Arthur Bauer and Paul never tells anyone what he is seeing his brother do. There is one external force that helps convince Paul to finally tell someone. Towards the end of the book Antoine Thomas said to Paul, “The truth shall set you free.” This quote is important to the book because this is when Paul is convinced to tell the truth about the real Erik Fisher. This is what I think is one of the most important quotes to the resolution of the