It's almost summer and we just want everything to be right about our bodies. People going to the gym, trying to get that summer body, get bikinis, shorts, hats, lotion, sunglasses etc, all ready for the summer.
Summer is here, and we are all out, on our way to the beach or water sides (to obviously lay under the sun) in a quest to complete our final summer body goal - A tanned skin. Well, a tanned skin tone looks great but do you know what happens to your skin in this quest? It destroys your skin in all ways you could think of.
Did I hear someone think out loud? -”I don't go to the beach or lay under the sun by watersides during summer, under the sun to get …show more content…
Say no to skin tanning (Public domain. Brentwater, CC BY-SA 1.0]: Wikipedia Commons
Well, let’s see why Mr immune system gets so mad when you get your skin tanned; during tanning the DNA cells in the skin are destroyed due to the exposure to ultraviolet radiation as we all know. When the immune cells are destroyed or damaged too in this process of cell destruction, the immune function of cells in that area of the skin is also destroyed which basically suppresses the immune system of the individual.
Also, Mr immune system has a soft spot for every part of an individual’s body and the skin is not an exception; when you get sunburn from tanning or overexposure to ultraviolet radiation, the immune system tries to pump blood to that area (the reason why the area feels warmer and looks really red), to help rectify the problem.
This doesn’t just end here because the skin cells you destroyed as a result of tanning, or overexposure to ultraviolet radiation would want to take vengeance on the individual. How does it do this ? - it secretes chemicals and transfers it to the brain (you know, a secret message to Mr brain in a bid to take vengeance on its temporary enemy- you !) which translates it as pain, making you feel pain in the real