Cited: Clarke, J.J. The Tao of the West: Western Transformations of Taoist Thought.New York, New York: Routledge, 2000.Print Goffman, Ken, Joy, Dan. Counter Culture Through The Ages: From Abraham to Acid House. New York, U.S.A.: Villard Books, 2004. Print Tzu, Lao. Tao Te Ching.China:np,nd.Print Welch, Holmes. Taoism The Parting of the Way. Toronto, Canada: Beacon Paperback, 1966. Print. -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. Sages, are wise teacher-like people regarded with high level experience and wisdom of the world and its ways. [ 2 ]. The Yin and Yang is a symbol resonating with ancient Chinese philosophy that represent the natural opposites such as dark and light, innovation and conservation, masculine and feminine, as they occur and have to be in balance and coexistence with one another.
Cited: Clarke, J.J. The Tao of the West: Western Transformations of Taoist Thought.New York, New York: Routledge, 2000.Print Goffman, Ken, Joy, Dan. Counter Culture Through The Ages: From Abraham to Acid House. New York, U.S.A.: Villard Books, 2004. Print Tzu, Lao. Tao Te Ching.China:np,nd.Print Welch, Holmes. Taoism The Parting of the Way. Toronto, Canada: Beacon Paperback, 1966. Print. -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. Sages, are wise teacher-like people regarded with high level experience and wisdom of the world and its ways. [ 2 ]. The Yin and Yang is a symbol resonating with ancient Chinese philosophy that represent the natural opposites such as dark and light, innovation and conservation, masculine and feminine, as they occur and have to be in balance and coexistence with one another.