Taoism/Daoism is a Chinese religion usually referred to as mainly Taoism. It is also a philosophical religion like Confucianism.
Tao Te Ching
The Tao Te Ching is a Chinese text believed to be written by Laozi, an ancient Chinese philosopher. Although the true nature of whether he is the author or not, the texts are referred to Laozi. The Tao Te Ching text have greatly influenced not only Taoism, but Confucianism and Buddhism as well. The texts, dating back to two millennia or the 4 BCE, are history and ritual based. The main concept lies on Tao and how to acquire it.
Tao, in the Tao Te Ching, means “way.” The meaning in Taoism refers to living life through every day occurrence as opposed to seeing life as a concept. Te …show more content…
The taijitu can be found in many places including: temples, flags, robes, etc. The symbol is important and a great part of Taoism because it proposes the concept that opposites can exist together in peace and balance in life is equally …show more content…
Taoists are great believers in the cosmos and regard the cosmos as the creators and controllers of the universe. They believe the universe emerges from the Tao, considered by others outside of the religion as the closest thing to a ultimate God Taoism has. Although Tao is the closest thing to an ultimate creator, in Taoism it is neither one nor worshipped as one by Taoists. Regardless, Taoists do have many gods borrowed from many different divinities.
The Tao cannot be construed in words, according to Taoism it can only be attempted to be describes, albeit not sufficiently. Tao is also neither an entity or object and cannot be something a person can be aware of, but it can be observed. It is a great paradox to even say or spell simply because of the belief that saying “The Tao” is misleading as it gives the illusion of a grand being; and dropping “The” from the title undermines the concept and makes it disrespectfully seem as less than it really