Procedural programming
Procedural programming explanation:
Procedural programming is a programming language that works with like a step by step guide of how to do something. Like a procedure in a work place it the same thing over and over in step hence the name. In order for a procedural program to work you need to set up a set of instructions for the user to follow. Like telling them what to input each time. You also have to set up a sequence of instruction steps so this can tell the computer what to do first and second and so on. Procedural programming languages are: C++, C, FORTRAN, Pascal and Basic. Procedural programming limitations:
It is quite difficult and time consuming to change the details once its been completed due to its layout because you would have to go through the whole entire program in order to find the problem.
In procedural programming there is no security for the data as the data is exposed to the whole program.
Also it is difficult to create new data types so this in turn reduces extensibility. It is also difficult to relate with real world objects. and Moodle notes in unit 6.
Two typical uses of procedural programming:
Procedural programming uses C programming language. C is considered to be a general purpose, work-horse language ideal for creating applications. Operating systems and interfacing with electronic control systems. It was made in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories. Unlike languages such as BASIC and PASCAL, C relies on symbols rather than keywords. As such, it is often described as being ‘terse’ and more difficult to learn, but typically offer more powerful solutions