1.1-Explain the innate drive for children to play;
Innate drive for children to play is very important because this is how children develop their skills and the different development stages throughout their life. Children are born with a natural drive for them to play. Play is a Psychological, Physiological and a Social need for them to have the impulse to have play. Also it is fundamental to the healthy development and it helps the well-being of individual’s and the different communities. There are different innate drives such as Child Lead play& Adult Led play. However the main drives for innate play are; discovering new things within the setting and outside the setting, learning new skills, develop their speech which is done by communicating with other children and the staff around them, develop their muscles and their fine and gross motor skills. You can also do innate drives with activities that are fun and they engage the children to play or for them to even socialise with other children and to be able to take part in the activities such as reading or painting with other children.
Also children have the right to play such as; time and space, positive learning, enough resources such as economic well-being, let the children have play opportunities- creative play, quiet reading, making puzzles, picture cards, nursery rhymes and reading stacks within the nursery rhymes.
1.2- Analyse how play is necessary for the development of children;
Play is necessary for the development for children because through play is the only way children learn and to develop on their skills and stages of development. Play also is massive part of the learning opportunities children have to use their imagination to create different things. This can be done by having different activities that have feelings and relationships within them. Children need different opportunities to learn such as; they need to learn how to predict if something is going to happen, they will then need to learn the consequences of their actions and then children will ask questions.
Also play is natural to children and they use their knowledge to understand how things work for example; using a spoon to stir things when it comes to the activity or If they see it they will be asking questions about what it is used for and where it is used for. Children are the best to talk to about play and also outdoor play is a good way for development because it increases their Physical, Emotional and Social play. However play is also necessary for the development for children because play is fundamental which means they have access to play and they have a right to play, also this supports them and the value of play and it also extends their learning.
5.1- Summarise inclusive play practice in relation to current frameworks;
Inclusive play practice in relation to current frameworks such as the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage). The EYFS states that “it is a framework and has guidelines that require for every child can join in play and different learning activities which are at the appropriate level that they can do”. The best way for an early year setting to develop inclusive provision is to consider the children needs and their rights they have within the time throughout the setting and to have the correct resources which will meet the needs of the chid.
The current framework that I am going to use is the Equality Act 2010. This act makes sure that people with different characteristics such as; disability, race or religion and belief, they are protected from discrimination. The equality act 2010 came into force on 1st October 2010 and it brings together 116 pieces of legislation’s into one act. This is a legal framework that protects the rights of individuals.
Inclusive practice describes the process of ensuring equality of the different learning opportunities for the children and young people. Inclusion is about the child’s right to attend their local setting, to be respected as an individual and to have the right support which is in the setting. All settings have to follow between the ages of 0-5 years. It is the importance of children being included and to plan for the children’s learning and their different cultures and religions. If a child is special needed you will need to adapt their plans to meet the child’s needs and to get the correct support to also develop their developmental stages/skills and to meet their needs. The development matters sets out the age and the stage of the expected development and it also gives practitioners suggestion on what to do when it comes to helping them meet their development.
5.2- Analyse how play supports the interests and abilities of children;
Play supports the interests and abilities of children because the children have the right to play and to play in a safe environment which is filled with different resources that support their interests and the age of the child so it meets the abilities of the child.
There are different interests and abilities for the different age groups such as; children aged between 2-3 year olds are easily frustrated but they can concentrate well if they have play opportunities on what they want to do. They also like to use wheeled trucks to sit in and to be pulled along or to even sit on it and scurry along with their feet but they find it hard to share with other children so the nursery has to make sure they have enough resources for each child so their won’t be no major conflicts whereas children aged between 3-5 year olds they will use the area without support from adults so the adults need to make sure that the children feel confident and safe when being indoors and outdoors. They also need to have available other areas where the outdoor bikes don’t come inside because this could be danger in the setting with the other children and this may cause conflict so it’s best if there are certain areas where the outdoors toys are allowed.
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