Task 2 Motivation theory means the influence on and within people that encourage and sustain them to work to the best of their ability which will make them work. so that employees can feel motivated in the workplace will often be influence by the organisation culture and the techniques the business manager use.
Tasco Motivation Theory. Tesco is a public limited company that motivate their employees different ways. one of the way is to use the taylor motivation theory. Because Frederick taylor studiede taylor and found out that employee can be motivated with high wages which means paying them more. he studied motivation at the bethlehem steel company in USA in the late 1800s. He believed that all employees should be given a target of the material to be moved. Tesco give their employees a target that need to be finished so that employees will get reward for that, this means they can get higher wages at the end of the year. So the employee will be happy and willing to work more. So means tesco uses the same motivation as taylor theory. Also tesco uses mayo theory because it is seen to be operating through the company. In the
1920s Elton Mayo took the ideas of taylor and explored them further as he recognised there seemed to be more to motivation than just pay. In tesco Communication is an extremely important factor in motivating employees. This may be through 1to1 discussion with managers, through the company intranet or newsletters or through more formal structures such as appraisals. Tesco also emphasises the development of the whole person and has implemented a system of 360 degree feedback. This is a personal development tool which provides feedback from a selection of people with whom the employee works. This helps employees to understand their behaviour, strengths