Bi. Describe the terms and conditions of your employment as set out in you contract of employment or employment agreement.
Job Title - Explains what is expected of us under our job title of support worker and what is expected of us within our duties.
Place of Work - Where we are based and where we are to work at various locations decided by the company.
Hours of Work - Hours are based on the needs of the company as it is a zero hour contract. Explains the days and hours we are expected to work.
Other Employment - Explains that we are to work solely for the company and how to get authorization for outside work.
Annual Leave - How annual leave is to be taken, what we are entitled to and what notice to give when applying for leave. How annual leave is worked out on a 12 week average of what we work.
Sickness/Absence - Explains the procedure for informing the office when taken ill or off work. What to do when leave is longer than 7 days.
Termination of Employment - Explains the length of time give by the employer or employee when ending employment.
Confidentiality - Not to disclose information about staff, service users or the company. How to pass on information when needed without breaching confidentiality.
Data Protection - How the company uses the information we provide on the application form.
Guardian Employee Handbook - Our responsibility to read the handbook and adhere to the policies and procedures set out.
Bii. Describe the information which needs to be shown on your payslip/statement.
The information provided on my wage slip are Details of the company i am employed by, My personal details, National Insurance number, Tax code, Pay date, Deductions and total gross pay. We also have a separate sheet which breaks down the hours we have worked which is not shown on our wage slip.
Biii. Identify two changes to personal information which you must report to your employer.
Change of address
Change in bank details