Prepared by:- Paghadar Sagar.
Stevens Business School
Company Guide:-
Mr. Chetan Gurjar
Mobility Head Of (Gujarat)
TATA Teleservices Ltd.
College Guide:-
Dr. Himani Joshi
In the realization of one’s objective man is not an independent identity. It is the combined efforts of the people from diverse circle. Keeping this thing in mind, I would like to take this opportunity to show my gratitude to all those who have contributed in one-way or other, small or big. With the proud sense of gratefulness, I would admire Mr. Atul Pal,Mr.Chetan Gurjar,Mr.Nitin Sharma. They have provided me valuable guidance and great support that would add a new dimension to my field and knowledge. They have always insisted upon right approach and have pointed out the best possible ways to conduct our activity towards achieving stated objectives for the project as well as to apply in real life.
I am thankful to Dr. Himani Joshi, whose guidance, inspiration and generous support directed me well during the training period and in the preparation of my project report. I am very much thankful to her as she has spent her precious time towards the preparation of my project. It is with profound feeling of gratitude to them for providing us technical input in the form of manuscripts, books and study materials and influencing our thinking. I am thankful to them for trust in me and giving me an opportunity for doing something batter for my bright future.
Management is an essential ingredient in every organized endeavor successful management of complex organization sophisticated technology and skilled personnel can’t be possible through intuition of trial and error.
One can’t swim only by reading a book on swimming. It must require a “practice”. Practice makes man perfect. Theory