I. Introduction
A. Attention-getter: One in five U.S. adults now has a tattoo. Tattoos have been around for centuries and have different purposes all around the world.
B. Significance: After my speech, the audience will have a better knowledge on why people get tattoos. C. Credibility: I have researched information based on this topic. D. Thesis Statement: To inform my audience on the reasons people get a tattoo and discuss some examples. E. Preview: A. Honor B. Religion C. Obsession
II. Body A. Many peoples get tattoos in honor of someone or something. Some get a tattoo in honor of a loved one who has passed away. (R.I.P.) Some get a tattoo in honor of a loved one who is still alive: spouse, children, or parents ' name. Some get a tattoo in honor of their country or place of birth: flag, national bird, national flower.
Transition: We now know one reason why people get a tattoo and we have heard some examples.
B. Also, people get tattoos because it 's part of their religion or to show off their religious beliefs.
1. The Samoan Islands have a long history of tattooing that dates back to 1722, where the word tattoo is believed to have originated from. Hinduism encourages tattooing and there is no prohibition. However, in Islam, tattoos are not only forbidden but they are believed to “prevent someone from being at peace with god.”
2. Some people get religious tattoos just to show off their beliefs. These people were not forced by their religion to get a tattoo. Some examples include: Christianity- crosses, bibles verses, rosary, or images of God or other religious figures. Judaism- Star of David or hebrew writing, Buddhist- buddhas or lotus flowers.
Cited: S., Beth, M.D. "Religions and Tattoos." LoveToKnow. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. Michalak, Jodie. "Reasons People Get Tattooed." About.com Tattoos / Body Piercings. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. "Permanent Makeup Information: Eyeliner, Lipstick, and More." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.