There are several reasons why college students are coloring themselves with tattoos and piercing their various body parts. Their reasons range from personal expression to personal empowerment or to just be spontaneous and rebellious.
Body piercings and tattoos are a means of personal empowerment for some who are typically searching for individualism and control of their lives. Body art is their mark of individuality and control.
“Despite what some people may think about tattoos, they have a meaning. Getting a tattoo brands a part of your personality onto your skin for a reminder,” MCCC student Skylar Hall said.
Since inking and piercing the skin has increasingly gained popularity with the young crowd it is slowly getting some acceptance.
To give an idea of their rise in popularity here are a few figures. Thirty years ago, 1 in 100 people in this country had tattoos. Now 1 in 10 Americans have them, and one-third of those aged 25 to 30 have tattoos.
While society is becoming more liberated and expressive, and piercings and tattoos become part of mainstream culture, some employers are still having a hard time wrapping their heads around body art in the workplace.
In today’s society, the job market has become an area of fierce competition. The smallest details can be the deciding factor between two candidates. These details can be anything from confidence to presentation. Along with a person’s presentation comes his or her appearance. While it might seem that appearance should not matter as long as the candidate is qualified, it does for some employers.
The nation’s largest retailer, Walmart, doesn’t allow facial piercings (i.e. eyebrow, nose or lip). They do allow tattoos that aren’t offensive; ‘offensive’ tattoos must be covered up. Borders, one of the nation’s largest book sellers, views body art and piercings as something that makes a worker more interesting and a