During the commencement of the essay the author’s objective seems to be to apprise the reader of the history of tattoos. I believe the author does a very good job of informing the reading audience of how our society deem tattooing as a misfit’s act. The essay also includes very insightful information regarding how people stereotype tattoos as a sign of a person with an unstable background. The information presented raises a few great questions, “Why, with these preconceived stereotypes do people still choose ink when it may contradict who they are as a person, what they may represent and why they have chosen to tattoo their body?” The essay also has a very interesting statistic. In America 40 million more people has at least one or more tattoos then in 1936. The information in this essay gives great insight about tattoos and the increase in popularity. The author did very good research, which helps inform the reader with valuable knowledge about the history of tattooing, the stigma behind it and the growing increase of popularity. I really like the author’s explanation of tattoo popularity in today’s society. It’s definitely a fact the majority of entertainers, models, and…
Each day tattoo artist are tattooing more and more people. Tattoos have become a normal sight to see on anyone. In today’s society, many citizens think badly of people with ink. It is becoming harder to obtain jobs because the business industry tends to judge tattoos as unprofessional. Honestly, it is not any different than someone expressing themselves with a hairstyle, or clothing choice. Some of the best employees could be looked over due to the ink on their skin. A person’s skin does not define their working abilities, nor does it define their education. Many people categorize tattooed people as delinquents; However, having a tattoo does not define a person’s work ability.…
The title of the poem “To Hell and Back, with Cake” is exactly what the young girl in goes through to get cupcakes, a desirable treat or reward. The poem has a lot to do with racism and discrimination. It is written in first person and as a narrative with many different poetic techniques such as alliteration, sibilance, oxymoron, personification etc. Holmes offers very vivid and descriptive details explaining what these cupcakes mean to this little girl. Being the reader, you can almost smell the cupcakes with the visuals the author gives. Holmes uses many different metaphors and similes leading this poem to be a very emotional and dramatic poem. The tone of the poem goes from happy and joyful to sad and angry. The little girl has her mouth watering for these vanilla and chocolate cupcakes yet the cruel and racist bakery lady diminishes her desire for black and white cupcakes, since that is all the bakery had.…
Edgar Allen Poe is a writer who is well-known for his poem, he married his 13-year-old cousin who died of a sickness. Routinely, Poe wrote about death and depression. He uses symbolism, and personification to create the theme of everyone dies in the end. Poe uses symbolism in his writings because it makes dramatic irony that leads to death.…
David Brooks’ “Nonconformity is Skin Deep” argument that tattooing is becoming a social trend is persuasive; he backs this by stating that tattoos are everywhere, inescapable. He wants us to assume that behind every judge, teacher, lawyer, housewife, etc lurks ink. Brooks makes a mockery of the “tattoo fad” by writing, “these are expressions of commitment…they don’t always work out…but the longing for permanence is admirable” (Brooks).…
Let’s start by picking your brain for a moment. If I were to ask you what your opinions were towards tattooing, what would your answer be? You may be surprised to know that within our society today, regardless of what your answer was, we could assume that people are divided based on each alternating view of tattoos. Some bring a more stereotypical view in that tattoos may pose a negative factor when trying to land that perfect job. Perhaps that it may symbolize that they are part of a gang, a “biker” if you will, maybe a criminal or part of a lower class in society? (Proehl 2004) Tattooing may also instill fear…
This is actually considered a form of art. It isn’t like tattoos just came out of nowhere; they’ve been around for thousands of years. In Japan, the earliest evidence of tattooing was found in the form of clay figurines that have faces painted or engraved to represent tattoo marks. Tattoos are pieces of art that are forever inked on people’s skin. Some can be very personal to the artist and the person receiving the tattoo. Tattoos bear a lot of strong emotions from sadness to aggression. That means at some certain time it will make someone else feel uncomfortable or some type of way, which is what art is supposed to do. That’s what is so wonderful about this country, freedom. People being able to fully express how they feel instead of everyone marching around like robots, all looking and sounding the same. Tattoos are definitely a way to express yourself in an art form and become a walking canvas, literally wear your heart on your…
more to the artwork then what is shown. Tattoos are referred as marks for gangs and standings…
Tattoos are a permanent mark on the body, something that I think anyone thinking about getting a tattoo should put some serious thought into. What I’m saying is that I think tattoos should have a deep meaning to the person getting them. In other words don’t think of a tattoos as an accessory, think of a tattoo as something that you can never get rid of after you get it.…
Tattooing is one of many art forms that has been practiced from thousands of years. It has evolved from its start, from crude methods to more advanced ones. Tattooing has become more symbolic and meaningful, and more common. Many people around the world have at least once tattoo but, it was not always this way, tattoos used to be only for kings and queens or those of importance.…
The art of tattooing originated more than 5000 years ago. Since then, tattooing has touched nearly every part of the world. Many tribes and most cultures from all over the world use tattooing as a means of displaying their individualism and connect themselves to their ancestors and or groups. Tattoos have had a colourful history. The Japanese used to mark criminals by tattooing their foreheads. The Nazi’s used tattoos to dehumanize the Jews and take away their identity and replace it with a number. Many criminal gangs use tattoos to show their loyalty to their group and to intimidate others. These are just a few of the reasons I believe that tattoos have a stigma. On the other hand, many tribe still use tattoos as a right of passage into adulthood. While others get them to celebrate life and remember the lives of others.…
A compass is a navigational instrument that measures different directions in a frame of reference that is stationary relation to the surface of the earth. The frame of reference defines the four basic directions—north, south, east and west. The intermediate directions may also be showed. Commonly, a diagram called a compass rose is marked at the centre to show the directions.…
There is always a lot of controversy when it comes to tattoos. Most people instantly have an opinion of them; they are either for or against tattoos. What is not realized is the fact that there is a ton of time and effort put into the sketching and placement of a tattoo. People tattoo themselves as a way of self-expression and liberation.…
A tattoo is a form of body modification. Tattoos are created by inserting ink or some other pigment through the epidermis into the dermis through the use of a needle .Tattoos usually express the meaning about the wearer and his or her place within the social group. Tattooing is one of the biggest and universal forms of body art which have been around for decades. Americans today are more of a private statement than public sign. Women tend to get smaller tattoos in private spots. Tattoos in United States have traveled a long way .In our global world tattoo designs and repeating ideas have more quickly and easily came across cultural borders.…
Tattoos for the longest time have been considered taboo, and for the most part the only people you would see with them would be bikers, gang members and generally thought of as outcasts of the general public. That is changing, and changing fast. Tattoos are becoming more mainstream, and accepted. The reasoning for getting a tattoo varies from person to person, and is something that has been going on since the prehistoric times. The meaning behind a tattoo also varies from tattoo to tattoo and with the person. A person can get a tattoo to represent a change in life, or to show love or respect for another person. A tattoo can also represent different qualities of a person as well. There are a lot of different types of tattoos from abstract, natural, dedication, simple and complex.…