
Tax Observation Paper

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I live in an area called Fredrickson. It’s said to be upper middle class due to the Boing plant. Anyways if I go to the Walmart and shop the prices are different and so is the tax on the items I purchase I was surprised by this. Not only are the prices different but the items that the store carries differ from the others, this is the same with the Safeway store on Canyon rd. the stores are at opposite ends of the road and the prices are different the items are different they cater to the social status of the area. Anyway my point is that places like Seattle have people who own over half of the city and pay no taxes they make it next to impossible to live in the city unless a person is wealthy or homeless. I did a lot of research on the city of Seattle, and sat in on council meetings I can tell you I was appalled with what I learned. …show more content…

The CEO of Seattle city Light makes 3 million dollars a year and what’s a raise he is tax exempt, owns a lot of very large building and property all over Seattle he is not the only person who has this status. There are a few more and half of them do not even live in Seattle but pay no taxes on the property they own. They keep the cost of living so high that only very wealthy people can live in the area. People who have lived in Seattle all of their lives, I am talking elderly people can no longer afford to live there and are losing their property to this wealthy group of people it is very sad. I know this is sort of a rant, but it ties into the stratification. When I went to the Seattle city Council meeting I had to step over young children sleeping on the sidewalk of, and so did the very man who makes 3 million dollars a year and wanted a raise. Places like Seattle are owned by wealthy people who only want wealthy people living there. This in my mind is so that they can remain in their social status, there is not money to be made off of people who live in middle class

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