Customer Management Module
Taxi Booking Module
Taxi Dispatch Module
Call Center Module
Tracking & Monitoring Module
MIS and reporting Module
Admin and Security Module
Taxi Meter Interface module
Wireless Communication Gateway module
Alerts Module Customer Management Module
This module encompasses Caller Identification & capturing of various customer related information.
Caller ID display
Customer identification
New customer data entry facility
Lost and Found details entry facility
Customer complaint capture
Customer feedback capture
Taxi Booking Module :
This captures Booking details for a given customer.
Capturing of Booking Details : Functionality of this screen is to capture all the information related to booking received from the customer.
Assigning pickup an drop locations
Integrated Map feature for booking functionality
Taxi Booking Modification and Cancellation module.
Taxi Dispatch Module :
Dispatch module handles the allocation of Taxis to the bookings and creation of job orders for the same. Module will assist in identifying the nearest available taxi to the pickup location so that the time to reach the customer is reduced to the minimum possible.
Identifying nearest available taxis based on pre determined algorithm.
Taxi Allocation module
Job order creation
Kerb side pickups
Updating of On Road / Off Road Vehicles & Driver Allocation
Call Center Module
This Module encompasses Caller Identification; as per the caller ID the customer is identified.
The CLI/CTI integration shall be delivered, subject to feasibility.
Caller ID display features
Search features
Tracking & Monitoring Module
Online Tracking : Online Tracking would enable the user to track vehicle’s Current Location. The vehicle’s position would be displayed on a detailed digital map. This would be central monitoring for vehicles
History Tracking : This is a facility to replay the historical