Scientists use taxonomy to classify organisms and assign each organism a universally accepted name. They do this by using a Dichotomous Key to classify organisms, the binary nomenclature, DNA, and RNA. In the taxonomic nomenclature naming system, there are different levels called a taxon (taxa plural) or taxonomic category. The different levels to the taxonomic nomenclature naming system are called: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. The first scientist to use the system was Carolus Linnaeus. His system had seven levels that were used for classification. They range from smallest to largest: Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, and Kingdom. Later on scientists added on more levels. This system brought order to the process of naming species and classifying them into groups. The Dichotomous Key is used to help classify organisms and has been used for hundreds of years. There are different styles of the Dichotomous Key. Two of these styles are Lead Style and Question-answer Style.
An example of Lead Style is:
1. Flowers red…….2
2. Flowers white….3
3. Flowers blue…...4
And example of Question-answer Style is:
1. What is the flower color?
a. Red……..2
b. White…...3
c. Blue…….4
I personally like the Lead Style better then the Question-answer Style because the Lead Style leads you to the answer while the Question Style makes you think. Binomial Nomenclature was a major step taken by Carolus Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist who lived during the eighteenth century, which assigned each species with a two-part scientific name. The scientific name is always written in italics and underlined. The first word is capitalized and the second word is lowercased. An example of a Binomial Nomenclature is Ursus arctos. The first part is the genus and the second part is the scientific name. DNA and RNA is used to find out how closely one organism is related to another