From the end of 19th Century to the beginning of 20th Century, the United States of America achieved a major breakthrough in some areas of science and technology on the basis of inheriting European science and technology tradition, thus promoting the rapid development of agriculture and industry, even catching up and exceeding the UK. However, in order to further the development of production, it was necessary for America to have a breakthrough on the management. Then Frederick Taylor appeared, he was “the one who suddenly appear to reverse the situation at the crucial moment, and he was the key person to form a thought”.
What is scientific management?
Scientific management is also called classical management theory, traditional management theory. Taylor summarized the scientific management as: Science, rather than solely on work experience; harmony, rather than the cooperation; cooperation, rather than individualism; in order to maximize the output, to replace the limited output, each person should work on a maximum efficiency to get the greatest success, that is to use high efficiency production mode instead of low cost production methods, in order to strengthen the labor cost control. The main purpose of scientific management is to improve labor productivity.
In the early 20th century, Taylor created the theory of scientific management system and this system was known as "Taylorism". Briefly speaking, Taylorism is a process of determining the division of work into its smallest possible skill elements, and how the process of completing each task can be standardized to achieve maximum efficiency. The main content of "Taylorism" includes: (1) The fundamental purpose of management is to improve efficiency. (2) Make work quota. (3)Choose the best workers. (4)Implement standardized management. (5)Implement excitant payment system. (6)Lay stress on "spiritual revolution" cooperated by workers and employers. (7)Advocate to separate plan functions and