When she first joined soccer, she was not extremely happy about it. She said that she was currently in gymnastics and not all that interested in soccer. It was her parents that made her join when she was four years old. Although she was forced into playing the sport, she absolutely loved it as soon as she got involved. “I am extremely grateful that they made me join soccer, it changed my life in the best way,” said Taylor (Hagness). She now continues to enjoy the game and play up to this day.
As her high school soccer career was coming to an end, a new opportunity came to her attention. Impact Soccer Academy. I.S.A. is an organization focused around the player development of young and developing soccer players. As Taylor said “different people play in the tournaments, so …show more content…
This may be something you hear all the time. Communication is equally important in relationships or work settings as it is in sports. Since Taylor was at a high level of play, basic soccer terminology was common language to them. Things like off sides, corner kicks, yellow or red cards were terms they did not even have to think to remember. However, they still had to communicate with one another effectively. As Taylor said, “my teammates and I could read each other’s minds, so one or two words was all we needed” (Hagness). Although they could read each other’s minds, they still had to say something to get everyone on the same page. They had to communicate with each other efficiently for there to be fluency with the