[TDA2.3 – 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4, 2.1, 2.2]
1) How to establish respectful, professional relationships with children and young people
You’ll need to change your behaviour and method of communication when establishing respectful, professional relationships with children and young people. This can be done making yourself more approachable so that they feel safe to talk to you and ask for help. Its also important that you make them feel valued by listening to what they have to say and not rushing them or cutting off their sentences and also maintaining eye contact to let them know they have your full attention.
It’s important to be fair. Setting up ground rules at the beginning then making sure you stick by them for each child is important. This will also help children and young people understand why they’re being punished, as they would have been made aware of the rules and what the consequences are when they break the rules.
2) Describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a child or young person’s development.
In order to behave appropriately for a child or young person’s development you need to be aware of their particular stage of development as they’ll need different levels of support and attention.
When communicating with pupils in early year foundation stags it’s importing to get down to their level as they are still very small and can find it very intimidating when adults tower over them. It’s also good practice to sit with them at their table or on the floor when playing with them.
Their level of concentration is still very low therefore it’s always important to check if they have understood what you’ve said. You can check if they’ve understood what you’ve said buy asking them to repeat what you’ve said or asking them what