Employee Name: - LEKHA PAWAR
Pin Code:-503002
It is my Pleasure to extend the following offer of employment to you on behalf of SREE VENKATESWARA
MOTORS (INDIA) PVT.LTD, further to the interview and discussions you had with us. You are expected to
Join duty on Date:-29/10/2012.You are appointed to the position of HR and in this capacity, you
Will report directly to HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT .Your starting monthly remuneration will be
Rs.6000 /-.You will be on a probation period of six months.
Your working hours start from 9.30Am to 7.00Pm.with one hour break a day and you are scheduled to
Work through 9.30 to 7.00 which is seven hours a week.
After Successful completion of the probation and review thereof, you will be entitled to other
Allowances’ reviews will be done to assess your suitability. You shall receive your payments on or before
The fifth of every month.
Offer stands canceled in case of any deviations in information or if you fail to report to job offer if I do not hear from you before Date:-29/11/2012
You will need to submit all your original qualification documents, relieving documents and salary slip (if
Any) of last three months with a copy of each, on the date of joining.
I look forward to an enduring relationship with yourself.
Yours sincerely,
Sing of