Within my experience and current work place I have found that using a wide variety of teaching strategies is essential, as my students needs and abilities are always varied. Out of all of the students that I have worked with, there have never been two the same and as a result my teaching style has to be adaptable in order for it to be effective.…
I tend to use a variety of different teaching strategies. Reece and Walker (2006:101) state that “the choice of teaching strategy is often related to your own individual style and what makes you feel most comfortable in doing. However, there are some overall rules that you may like to consider. The first is the type of objective that you want your students to achieve. The second is the number of students you have to teach”.…
Many instructional approaches exist that have been developed to reach more students. Teachers have to select the instructional approaches that work best for students. These approaches have been tested and researched from various theoretical perspectives. An education theory is the speculative thought or education and just like any other theory, it explains, guides, and describes the practices of education. The earliest speculation on educational processes began during the times of classical sophists Greek philosophers. Current education speculations use terms like and rogogy, curriculum, learning pedagogy, education organization, leadership, and policy. Education thought is derived from various disciplines like, philosophy, sociology, critical theory, psychology, and history among others. This paper will discuss five topics based on the best education theory to be applied in the classroom setting with focus on two education theories…
In my speciality I use many various strategies in regards to teaching and learning. In this point I will explain in detail methods I used when teaching the learners I work with but also strategies to assess their learning and my own. When looking at various strategies and approaches that are used I often place myself in the situation of facilitating learning in order to get a good picture. I firstly, like to ensure that the teaching will engage, stimulate and motivate and provide the necessary teaching content in order for them to learn. A strategy I often use to start the lesson is an ‘icebreaker’. This will help establish/reiterate ground rules for the lesson but also help…
A classroom is a very dynamic and spontaneous place. Every classroom is comprised of a diverse combination of individuals who all contribute to the unpredictable nature and uniqueness of the class. The reality that no two students are alike and no two classes are ever alike, contributes greatly to the difficulty of establishing a realistic and effective classroom management plan. It is important that teachers realize that a classroom is an unpredictable place and that it is much more reasonable to strive to manage their classroom as opposed to trying to control it. I see my role as a managing teacher as guiding my students through their learning as they explore and discover what works best for them, instead of dictating how they will do things. It is also important that teachers are aware of the great number of theories that exist in regards to classroom and more specifically, behaviour management. I believe that it is detrimental for a teacher to adopt one philosophy without ever considering the numerous other possibilities. In my opinion all of the theorists have a number of positive ideas that can be introduced into the classroom in order to create an optimal learning environment. In developing my philosophy on teaching and learning I have incorporated the philosophies of Jones, Rogers and Gootman.…
By breaking the work load down like this then the pupils will feel less intimidated by the…
Good teaching is influence through conceptions of learning like individual or peers, family and environment. In general, it captures one’s attention, able to engage, acquire knowledge through learning and change one’s view to build experiences. Teaching and learning is highly interrelated with engagement and different approaches to achieve an outcome. The contexts encourage students to anticipate learning activities to understand objectives and absorb knowledge. According to Biggs (2012), there are three theories of teaching, which includes teaching based on student differences, based on what the teacher does and what the student does. This paper will introduce the theories with references to my experience.…
Questions in the classroom are essential to the growth of students’ achievement. However, proper questioning tactics are sometimes overlooked. In the article, Bowker brings up important points about how to go about questions, how to ask appropriate and effective questions, and how students can also learn to ask instead of to just answer.…
The following teaching methods and learning strategies are appropriate to the delivery and development of the knowledge, understanding and skills covered in this unit. A variety of these should be used to provide a model of good practice to the student-teacher. This list is not exhaustive:…
In addition, to deepen understanding the students were encourage to draw from their own experiences. Finally, open ended questions were used which encouraged self-directed…
There are many ways to construct ideas and whether it is intended for an individual or for a group, a teacher requires a certain skill in order for the idea to function properly. Whether the teaching method is one of a constructivist, cognitive or behaviourist approach, the skill of asking questions in all phases of a lesson is vital and the wait time to process the question and compose an answer provides learning benefits (Rowe, 1972; Stahl, 1990; Tobin, 1987). Teaching is a complex craft, and the goal of every teacher is to achieve the success of every student forming the basis of effective teaching. Effective teachers have high expectations of their students in their standard of learning and behaviour. When the teacher has high expectations, the students will perform to such expectations. If a teacher believes all students are above average and are capable learners, these expectations will transmit to the student, and the student will succeed. The success of every student is contributed to high quality teaching and effective teachers inspire in their students a love of learning. By setting high standards for a student, the teacher is encouraging the student whom will eventually develop high expectations for themselves (O’Neill, 2009). Constructivism, the present leading teaching model is when a student appropriately constructs their own knowledge. Whether the teaching model is based according to Piaget’s concept of individual perspectives or Vygotsky’s concept of social interaction and language in student’s constructing ideas, it is certain that teachers can support a learners understanding as long as the individual support occurs within each student’s zone of proximal development (Fetherston, 2007).…
Use the Socratic method of lecturing by questioning learners to draw as much information from them as possible and then fill in the gaps with your own expertise.…
Firstly, use group discussions to encourage speech, either through open debating or through "question and answer" sessions. And our thinking skills are also gradually developed through asking us some unexpected questions by teachers. What’s more, teachers should always insist on complete answers in sentences, tell us that simple answers like "Yes", "No" or "Don’t know" are not accepted.…
In this phase, students are given an authentic problems that can bridge the student to arrive at ideas or theories based on the results of its own investigation by using knowledge as the basis for student-owned in the investigation process. The teacher's role to provide question-pertannyaan which can facilitate students in investigative activities and provide scaffolding to help students in the activities of the investigation. The existence of the problem and an investigation undertaken to achieve an understanding of the new idea or concept, then students are said to have bernalar or logical thinking because students can transform information that has been obtained to be able to reach a conclusion or conclusions either way using consistent reasoning or thinking with because due to think according to the pattern of certain rules. This is apparent from the results of research that the first indicator of Adaptive reasoning abilities i.e. mathematically logical thinking, the ability to acquire learning PBL higher than students who obtain direct student learning either in its entirety or by category PAM. Research results in accordance with the study of the theory has been discussed before, because in the activity of PBL students are required to be able to think logically for learning activities while in direct learning it becomes inversely proportional because in the activity of PBL students are required to perform the process thinking whereas in a direct learning students only receive a transfer of knowledge from the teacher and have certain skills that have exemplified the…
Students are presented with a challenge which will require knowledge that has not been completely covered.…