1.1. General background of the study
How individuals learn or understand new information and their preferred methods for learning have been subjected to a great deal of attention. It has also been the focus of a number of L2 studies in recent years since Reid’s influential work on the topic was published in 1987.
Research on learning styles, has provided teachers and also students with a different view of learning and how to apply it to classrooms and lives. Among the authors that have views regarding this topic are: Mathew Peacock (2001), Rao Zhenhui (2001), Joy Reid (1995),
Rita and Kenneth Dunn (1993), Richard Felder (1995) among others.
Educators and researchers have developed several instruments to assess students’ learning styles, but literature regarding this topic is full of unresolved issues, both theoretical and practical (Wilson, 1998, P.3). On the other hand, three instruments have been a great help in identifying these styles in students and also exploring them with the aim of improving the learning and teaching processes.
1.2. Statement of the problem
According to the Ministry of Education Department, all the Form Six Students have to actively participate in the curriculum as well as co-curriculum activities. This is to ensure that they are well-prepared to enter universities in the future. This means that all the Form Six students will go through a relatively difficult time as they have to divide their time wisely in order to keep up with their studies and also involve themselves in co-curricular activities as well. As the Form Six syllabus is exclusively tough, all the students should have their own preferred learning styles or else they will face difficulties coping with their studies.
The Form Six syllabus, especially for the Science stream, is tough and complicated.
There are thousands of notes and points in which