History of American Education 324
Kimberly Rosso
October 4, 2010
On the topic of education, teachers and the thought of joining a union often leaves some thinking and not sure what to do. The practices of the teachers unions have their ups and downs like everything we do. There are a lot of benefits to the union and there are also a lot of downfalls. My family consists of a majority of educators and as with everything in the world we discuss with one another our decisions and weigh them as we go. Is the union doing its job? Is it worth joining this day in age? What could the union do for me and what benefits will be available? In my paper, we will look at some of the interesting aspects of the union, and weigh the benefits and downfalls of being in or out of the union. The public as we know, is undecided on education. The controversy is thick all over the country on this subject. The same is true about teachers unions. A poll was taken in 1998, which the question being, “Do teachers unions help or hurt the quality of American education?”. Twenty seven percent said they help, twenty six percent said they hurt, thirty seven percent said they made no difference and ten percent we undecided. As for politicians, usually view the unions and teachers according to their political association. Republicans are critical, democrats are supportive. My family consists of union teachers in Virginia for the sole purposes of tinier, retirement, and protection. Also being republican by choice with critical views and support for higher education and more equal treatment for our educators all the way around. There has been little serious research on the role of teachers unions in promoting or hindering education reform. Although the unions are using bargaining to influence the path of school reform, the critics of the unions argue that teachers unions impede school reform. Since the
References: 1. Loveless, Tom Conflicting Missions: Teachers Unions and Education Reform 2000 Http:// www.enotes.com 2. Kardos, Susan M.; Johnson, Susan “Reform, Bargaining and it’s Promise for School Improvement” Http:// www.enotes.com 3. Ballou, Dale; Podgursky Mike “Gaining Control of Professional Licensing” Http:// www.enotes.com 4. Unknown Author: “Teachers Unions: What is their purpose?” http://www.brighthub.com/education 5. http://teachers.cfm.com