Prepared for: The Board of Education
Abstract Currently, new hire teachers are not drug tested. This policy needs to be changed because teachers highly impact the students they come in contact with. This paper is a proposal written in APA format in order to persuade the Board of Education to change the drug screening policy for new hires in local the school system. In order to be eligible to earn a Tennessee teacher certification and teach early childhood, elementary, or secondary education in the Tennessee public school system, candidates must provide proof that they have completed the necessary education and testing requirements set forth by the Tennessee Department of Education. Those candidates who have not yet fulfilled all requirements for a standard teaching license may still be eligible to teach under Tennessee’s alternative route to teacher certification. All applicants must submit fingerprints and undergo a criminal background by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) before they are granted any type of certification or permit to teach in Tennessee schools (Tennessee). Also, in order to become a teacher one must go through student teaching and the interview process again. Although new teachers have to go through to many procedures to get certified, currently they do not have to be drug tested. This policy needs to be changed. The proposed change is that teachers should be drug tested before considered for hire. Teachers should be drug tested because teachers have the closest daily contact with students, they are role models, and their demeanors and attitudes are viewed and absorbed by the students. While one would hope that those in charge of our children during the day were not drug users, the reality is that some teachers are. Federal law is very clear about selling drugs near schools. Schools are supposed to be drug free zones. The fact is that drug use
References: Should teachers be required to undergo random drug testing? – (n.d.). Debate Topics – The Pros and Cons of Popular Issues – Retrieved April 14, 2012, from Random Drug Tests for Teachers Challenged - Yahoo! Voices - (n.d.). Yahoo! Voices - Retrieved April 14, 2012, from Tennessee Teacher Certification | How to Become a Teacher in Tennessee. (n.d.). Teacher Certification Degrees — Teacher Certification, Degrees and Career Information. Retrieved April 14, 2012, from http://www.teachercertificationdegrees What is the role of a Teacher?. (n.d.). California State University, Northridge. Retrieved April 14, 2012, from