
Teachers Should Have The Right To Bear Arms

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Typical excuses of why people do not carry their weapons all the time are just that: excuses! “My gun isn't comfortable,” “I'm not sure which round I should use,” “I'm afraid someone will notice my gun and call the cops,” “I'm not 100% sure where I can and can't carry,” “I don't know if I should I carry OWB or IWB or tuck,” “I don't know which gun is best for concealed carry,” or, “which caliber I should use?” are typical excuses that have no real argument against the idea of “everyday carry” (Owens). The idea of everyday carry is self-explanatory: carry your firearm every day. Learning a little bit about the law and learning about the associated firearm give the answers to all of these typical excuses, rendering the excuses unnecessary and a waste of breath. …show more content…

Teachers must have the right to carry concealed firearms because the safety of their students lies in their hands. How is a teacher supposed to protect his or her students from a criminal with a gun when the teacher does not have a gun? Is the teacher going to reason with the killer? No, the teacher will not successfully reason with a killer. Obviously, the teacher cannot overpower the killer, while the killer has a handgun or other type of firearm, either. To be able to effectively defend the students’ lives, the teacher needs to carry and wield a firearm: “if there were a school shooting and anyone had something to help slow down or stop the attack, I don’t see how it can be worse than letting a psychopath run loose with a gun and nothing to slow them down” ( I believe that teachers should be required to carry a concealed firearm on college campuses and/or school

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