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Teaching for Exceptionalities
The experience of the practicum for Special Education 526, help to remind me of what
a classroom full of students with all kinds of disabilities is like. I forgot what the
experience endured and how much I miss the interaction with the students. Working in
an office, does not allow you to be with all the students. I was glad for this opportunity.
The state curriculum standard for this lesson was standard 3.0, Geometry. The
objective was for students to develop an understanding of geometric concepts, graphing,
and relationships as the geometric modeling and reasoning to solve problems involving
one, two, and three-dimensional figures. The lesson also involved 3.2, which stated that
the student would specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate
geometry and other represented systems. Standard 6.32 involved plotting a given set of
points in Quadrant one of a coordinate system. The lesson was designed to introduce
students to graphing ordered pairs of numbers in the coordinate plane. Students practiced
locating points in the textbook and on the Smart Board.
This being a Resource Classroom, I studied each student’s IEP and implemented my
lesson for Alisha to cover all standards that was being introduced for this lesson and
objectives. While preparing for this lesson, Mrs. Bailey gave a pre-test to the students
and created a lesson based on the scores and student’s needs. During this lesson we
studied the number line, positive and negative numbers, and absolute numbers. The
teacher was very organized and knowledgeable about the material that was being
introduced. The class graphed coordinates that were listed on the