Topic: Concept Mapping
Date: October 1, 2012
What is Concept Mapping?
It is a technique that allows students to understand the relationships between ideas by creating a visual map of the connections. Concepts maps allow the students to (1) see the connections between ideas they already have. (2) Connect new ideas to knowledge that they already have, and (3) Organize ideas in a logical but not rigid structure that allows future information or viewpoints to be included.
What are Concepts Maps?
A concept map is a special form of a web diagram for exploring knowledge and gathering and sharing information. It consists of nodes or cells that contain a concept, item or question and links. The links are labeled and denote direction with an arrow symbol. The labeled links explain the relationship between the nodes. The arrow describes the direction of the relationships and reads like a sentence
What is its purpose?
Concepts maps can be used to: * Develop an understanding of a body of knowledge. * Explore new information and relationships. * Access prior knowledge. * Gather new knowledge and information. * Share knowledge and information generated. * Design structures or process such as written documents, construction, web sites, web search, and multimedia presentations. * Problem solve options. * Can be used as a summative assessment.
Pros and Cons * Concept maps help students focus on the "big picture", enabling them to devote more of their time to conceptual understanding rather than rote learning * Concept maps force students (and instructors!) to make valid connections among concepts * They provide a low tech (cheap!) vehicle that enables students to represent graphically their knowledge, and to share it with the instructor and other students * They shift the emphasis from inert, static knowledge to contextually-embedded knowledge; from