English as a school subject is both a tool and a way of gaining knowledge and personal insights. It enables the students to communicate with others on personal, social, literary and interdisciplinary topics. It gives insight into how individuals think and live in the English-speaking world. Communicative skills and cultural insights can promote greater interaction, understanding and respect between people with different cultural backgrounds. In this way linguistic and cultural competence contributes to personal development and fosters democratic commitment and a better understanding of responsible citizenship among people. The English language is used everywhere. When people of different nationalities meet, English is often used as a medium of communication. English is used in films, literature, songs, sports, business, products, trades and entertainment, and through these channels many English words and expressions are transmitted. When information is needed whether for private or professional use, it is often searched in English. Moreover, English is increasingly used in education and working life. This being the case, the Philippine Educational System have instituted a new language policy and program to develop a nation competent in the use of the English language. The objectives of the program are: 1) to equip the learners with adequate language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in English to enable them to benefit from educational institutions in which English is the medium of instruction; and 2) to develop these skills to a level such that they can use the language effectively and independently in oral and written communication (Marcos, 1995). Public dissatisfaction with education has made the teacher at the center of the debate. Teacher plays a vital role in education. He is one of the several factors that influence the learning of the child. The quality of education the students received depends upon the skill and competence of the teachers. As the saying goes “you cannot give what you don’t have”, which implies that the teacher must have a thorough grasp of the subject matter he teaches. To promote learning effectively, a teacher must not only know the subject matter but also how to teach the subject. One way of providing quality education for learners according to Piaget as cited by Bustos and Espiritu (1985) is the importance of giving each child enough learning material appropriate for his learning. Furthermore, the learning of the child in school is also influenced by other factors. Among these factors are the teacher competence, teacher use of instructional material and methods, the home and school environment, and the child itself. Thus, this study was focused on the assessment of the teaching methods and techniques employed by the teachers in teaching English subjects as influenced by their personal characteristics.
Statement of the Problem This study dealt with the teaching methods and techniques employed by teachers in teaching English at Puerto Princesa City National Science High School during school year 2007-2008. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the English teachers in terms of: a. age; b. sex; c. highest educational attainment; d. major subject; e. attendance in in-service trainings and seminars; and f. length of teaching experience? 2. What are the teaching methods and techniques used by the teacher? 3. Is there a significant relationship between teacher personal factors and the teaching methods and techniques they employ in teaching English subject? 4. Is there a significant difference between the teaching methods and techniques employ by the teachers as perceived by the teacher themselves and their students?
Research Paradigm
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Figure 1. Research Paradigm
Figure 1 shows the relationship of the independent variables composed of teacher personal factors such as age, sex, highest educational attainment, major subject, attendance in in-service trainings and seminars, and length of teaching experience which are conceptualized to influence the teaching methods and techniques employed by the teacher as perceived by the their students.
Significance of the Study This study was conducted to provide vital information on the teaching methods and techniques employed by teachers in teaching English subject at Puerto Princesa City National Science High School with a view of drawing up inputs for its improvement. The data might also be of help to the following: The findings of this study may serve as a guide to the administrators in planning and in formulation of policies to improve English teaching. The findings of this study could serve as a guide for English teachers to assess themselves and improve their teaching strategies and techniques not only in teaching English but in other subjects as well. The result of this study might be of help to secondary school students in their attempt to make the most of their high school education. The desire to improve one’s academic performance is but normal and desirable; hence this study might give them insights on what action to follow. Other researchers might be guided by some findings of this study to cross-check findings in another setting.
Scope and Limitations of the Study This study was focused on the teaching methods and techniques employed by teachers in teaching English subjects at Puerto Princesa City National Science High School, Puerto Princesa City during school year 2007-2008.
1. There is no significant relationship between teacher personal factors and the teaching methods and techniques they used in teaching English subject. 2. There is no significant difference between the teaching methods and techniques used by the teacher as perceived by the teacher themselves and their students.
Operational Definition of Terms
For a common understanding, the following terms were defined operationally.
English subject. This refers to all secondary English courses taken by students enrolled at Puerto Princesa City National Science High School.
English students. This refers to students who are enrolled in any high school English subject.
English teacher. This refers to a person who is actually engaged in classroom work and specifically assigned at least one section of English in high school.
In-service trainings and seminars. This refers to the professional training, seminars and institutes relevant to teaching English attended by the teacher while in active service.
Major. This refers to the field of specialization of teacher in his undergraduate/graduate course.
Teaching experience. This refers to the number of years the teacher has taught English subject.
Teachings method and techniques. This refers to the activities conducted by the teacher while teaching English.
Teacher Related Factors a. age b. sex c. highest educational attainment d. major subject e. attendance in in-service training and seminars f. length of teaching experience
teaching methods and techniques employed by teachers
student’s perception on teaching methods and techniques employed by their English teacher