As helper and guide Teacher‘s role to put a child in real life situation, so that he might be able to understand his life‘s problems and there by solve them. Doing is more important than knowing, the pragmatic teacher wants his pupil to think and act for themselves to do rather than to know, to originate rather than to repeat. Teaching should not be based on lecturing and repeating only. The teacher should create a problem solving attitude in his pupils.
Pragmatism believes in Social discipline. Project method deals with all such essentials. They believe that play and work should be combined and this combination will perform a mental attitude – discipline, inner discipline cannot be maintained through force and domination.
Discipline comes through purposive & cooperative activities.
Role of Teacher : According to the existentialists the teacher creates an educational situation in which the student may establish contact with himself, become conscious of it and achieve self – realization. This requires existential approach in the teacher himself. He should also have an experience of self – realization so that he may be capable of guiding the students in this process. The teacher‘s role is to help students define their 81 own essence by exposing them to various paths they may take in life and creating an environment in which they may freely choose their own preferred way.
Existentialist methods focus on the individual. Learning is selfpaced, self directed, and includes a great deal of individual contact with the teacher, who relates to each student openly and honestly.
The student : The student should feel completely free for realizing his self‘. Under the guidance of the teacher, the student should try to realize his ‗self‘ through introversion. The student accepts the discipline prescribed by the teacher and does not become irresponsible. The purpose of freedom given to him should be to enable him to effect