Please Ss say: fffffffff. Put your hand in front of your mouth like me (I put my hand in front of my mouth) what do you feel? Now say again: ffffffff. Where do you produce this sound? Ss: We put our upper teeth on our lower lip. T: yes excellent. We call /f/ a voiceless sound. Now say: vvvvvvvv. Please put your hand on your throat like me. ( I put my hand on my throat) Now say: vvvvvvvvv. What do you feel? Ss: There is a vibration. T: /v/ is a voiced consonant. Voiced sounds are made by vibration of the vocal cords. /f/ and /v/ is a consonant pair which means that the mouth is in the same position for both. Can you please give me another consonant pair? Ss: /p/ and /b/.T: General structure: it is difficult to pronounce a voiced consonant sound after a voiceless consonant sound: for example:/-fd/. It's easier to pronounce 2 voiceless sounds for example/-ft/, or 2 voiced sounds like/-vd/.
When the Verb ends with a voiceless sound, the past simple ending (-ed) is pronounced/t/. For example: Liked ---/laɪkt/. T: please Ss repeat after me. Can you give me another example: S: talked--- /tɔ:kt/ . Hoped---/həupt/
When a verb ends with a voiced sound, the past simple ending (-ed) is pronounced /d/, for example: loved--/lʌvd/. T: please repeat after me. Can you give another example: S: moved---/mu:vd/. Cleaned---/kli:nd/
When a verb ends with a vowel, the past simple ending (-ed) is pronouned/d/. For example: played---/pleɪd/. T: please repeat after me. Can you give me an example: S: studied----/stʌdid/. Prayed --- /preɪd/
When a verb ends with /t/ or /d/, the past simple ending (-ed) is pronounced /ɪd/. For example: waited---/weɪtɪd/, or landed---/lændɪd/. Can you give an example: S: painted---/peɪntɪd/ , decided---/dɪsaɪdɪd/.
For every point, I'd write on the board some verbs end with various sounds (voiced , voiceless) and make Ss try