Patient Education Project
This document contains a brief over view of teaching methods that will be used to educate my patient about the medications she is taking, diagnosis and enhancing mechanisms as well. Only the medications that are prescribed to my client daily and on a regular basis will be included. Materials may accompany this document for teaching purposes. Teaching Plan
My client is a 31year old Caucasian female with a history of depression, obesity, borderline hypertension, carpal tunnel, GERD, and anxiety. She is a working single mother of two and is currently progressing to achieve her second master’s degree. My client is taking several different medications to treat her medical issues and denies the use of any herbal remedies and or over the counter medications with the exception of Tylenol on occasion. My client is knowledgeable with the names of her medications and why she is taking them. However she has not been educated on the side effects, adverse effects, drug interactions, and therapeutic effects of her medicines. My client has not been offered alternative methods such as coping skills and spiritual comfort by her physician so I will be addressing those as well.
To educate my client on her medications I will be using my Mosby’s Nursing Drug Reference. This will be used as a tool to explain the adverse and side effects of her medications as well as drug interactions and therapeutic effects. I will also be using my Taber’s Medical Dictionary to better explain and break down the medical terminology used so my patient can understand what is being said. My client is very educated so I feel by using these materials she will get a better understanding of the medicines she is taking and to recognize the risks and benefits of them as well. I believe that her diagnosis can be further explained so she can get a better understanding of depression and stress and the effects that it