Introduction 3
1. Lesson a, pre-reading activities 4
1.1. Presentation and brainstorming 4
1.2. Watching a short film 4
1.3. Homework 5
2. Lesson b, while-reading activities 6
2.1. Presentation 6
2.2. Workstations 7
2.3. Homework 8
3. Lesson c, post-reading activities 9
3.1. Day of implementation 9
4. Conclusion 9
References 10
I chose to base three lessons as a project on the rhyme Snow-White and the seven dwarfs from Revolting Rhymes by Roald Dahl, aiming at the 8th grade. The text is authentic, suitable and relevant for children at this age group. It will appeal to a wide range of pupils, and can be a tool for differentiation. I also believe that the pupils can appreciate the humor in the text by experiencing a surprising new context in a well known text.
This particular RSCG, however, is chosen also as a tool to build on earlier skills that pupils have of the original fairytale (i+1). This particular RSCG is based on an international fairytale and pupils may well recognize it and use it as a base for new knowledge and competences according to Krashen (1982) referred in Drew & Sørheim (2009).
Furthermore, the project is also intended as cross-curricular with the Norwegian literature subject, while dealing with fairytales as a genre first, and implementing the subject eventually in English class.
I intend to introduce the rhyme in different forms, for variation and differentiation. In the first part I will perform an introduction and a brainstorming on the fairytale genre. The second approach will be a film of the rhyme from YouTube. In the third part the pupils will be reading and processing the text. Eventually, the class will perform a play for the rest of the 8th grade.
The project includes 3 lessons over three weeks, plus homework/group work/workstations. Varying the teaching methods is taken into account at all lessons and in self study. Differentiation is achieved by various teaching approaches, both
References: Dahl, Roald. (2008) Revolting Rhymes. Britain. Puffin books. Munden, Juliet & Myhre, Astrid. (2007) Twinkle Twinkle. Norway. Høyskoleforlaget. Norwegian academic press. Drew, Ion & Sørheim, Bjørn. (2009) English teaching strategies. Norway. Det norske samlaget. Trivselsleder TL (2010) Tittel: Trivselsleder. Sunnmørsposten. (2010) Tittel: Mer trivsel i friminuttene. Skolenettet (2010) Tittel: Undervisningsopplegg grunnskole. Kunnskapsløftet (2006) Tittel: Kunnskapsløftet.