We continually face challenges in supporting the learning of our students in our changing world. The curriculum that frames our learning and teaching practices are developed from research and learning theories.
Expectations emphasise knowing how to learn and how to understand, access and use information gained. In the first half of the 20th century two theories dominated the way we learnt, Pavlov and Skinner were influential figures with their extensive research largely based on laboratory studies of animals.
Skinners operant conditioning theories (Baldwin and Baldwin 1986) uses a mixture of positive and negative reinforcement to control learner’s behaviours. Operant conditioning is such a fundamental aspect of learning and is also effective in behaviour management. This is achieved entirely through verbal feedback, for both positive and negative reinforcement, on a negative this theory focused on observable behaviour and less on what learners gained in knowledge.
In the middle of the 20th century research began to look closely into acquisition of knowledge, although the teacher still played the most active role. In the1970’s research moved away from laboratories and into more natural learning situations, this showed learners playing an active and strategic role in their own learning.
Piaget’s theory had a huge impact on teaching methods a this time and remains one of the most important cognitive development theories in education to date, although further evidence suggests Piaget underestimated the ability of infants and children as well as not accounting for individual differences.
Constructivist theory works well with disabled learners, due to the fact that the learners do not seem so overwhelmed and frustrated and it aids in motivating the students. Teachers should prioritize and teach