
Team America World Police Essay

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Team America: World Police

America is a nation notorious for certain attributes. Unilateralist policies have existed throughout much of American history and exist today, reflected in America’s war in Iraq, though the extent to which the agenda has disregarded other parties has seemingly increased. The word jingoism, defined as “extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy,” is often used to describe American foreign policy, and is rampantly displayed in American films, i.e. Rambo. America has been labeled imperialistic, hubristic, hegemonic, xenophobic, and/or shortsighted by many. Team America: World Police blatantly satirizes these American attributes and the modern day actions reflecting them. From liberal and conservative viewpoints on foreign affairs to national pride, Team America attacks all sides of the issue. The film’s satire of American themes begins in the title. The film’s main subject is the American government’s hubristic assumption that because America is the last remaining world superpower, it is America’s responsibility to maintain order and guard freedom in the world. The United States’ emerging unilateralism since
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This attitude dates back to colonial times, and has puritanical roots. John Winthrop’s vision of America as a “city on a hill,” a shining beacon of light serving as a model of Christian society above all others, is a theme that has lingered in American national identity to present day, and has extended to hubris on some levels. Team America: World Police’s portrayal of Americans seeing their way as the only way and having an over-the-top sense of pride is based off of these original American

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