Team vs. Individual: Who Produces the Better Result?
Fayetteville Technical Community College
It may seem that when comparing team work and individual work that the one that is most beneficial is obvious. It seems obvious that multiple people working together to achieve the same goal would have a much better result. We have all heard the old saying that “two minds are better than one.” However, after much research, I have found that both working as a team and as an individual can yield very profitable results. I have interviewed three people who have experienced the benefits of both methods. I have also completed research from multiple other resources. I have found that neither method has stood out to be better in achieving a single goal. After interviewing a teacher and an instructor for a robotics education group, I have discovered that they both use different methods. Mr. Sanders with the Ken Sanders Family Foundation feels that team work is a better method for his group. He has seen the effect that working as a team has had on his group of youths. Mr. Sanders feels that in working together his students have learned very valuable leadership skills. He says that “with the team concepts it instills self-confidence because it allows the students to work together, have learning experiences without the fear of failure.” This type of team work takes the pressure of individual responsibility off the students and allows them to be free to express themselves. Their social skills are developed due to the interaction that must take place. Ms. Austin, who is a teacher, finds that both methods are useful when they are applied approximately. She finds that some projects have a need for group interaction. When she decides to use this method she creates several groups. All of these groups work together in their perspective groups to accomplish a goal that will unite these groups. However,