How can technology around the home get any better? From refrigerators that tell when its time to restock your favorite beverage, to ovens that cook and then cool your meal if you don't get home in time to eat it. Ever-changing technology helps us to get more done more efficiently, and lets face it, nowadays money is the name of the game more than ever. If an employee broke a leg skiing, he or she can continue to work from home, this can save someone his or her job and even save the company money. Computers and television are helping to educate children long before they are old enough to Go to School. Television programs, interactive computer games and DVDs help young children get a head start on education and even help entertain the kids while mom or dad is cooking, cleaning or even working from home.
Work, home and pleasure time are all being linked together by technology, I believe this is for the better for three main reasons, first off working from home or even while on vacation can allow more time to be spent with family, secondly more can get done on off hours and third of all it can help to serve the customer or client better. The main device that adversely effects technology in the work place is the cell phone, we are well into the cell phone craze and it shows no sign of stopping, businesses and people are dependent on these devices to communicate. Understand that not everyone has a white-collar job and technology can effect them in a totally different way, such as designing machines and robots to do the more dangerous jobs and safety equipment that prevents accidents and saves lives.
The greatest effect technology has, is on human interaction and relationships. In the essay "Isolated by the Internet" by Clifford Stoll, Stoll quotes professor Phillip Zimbardo: "With more virtual reality overtaking real reality, we're losing ordinary social skills, and common social situations are becoming more awkward." (wac)(106) Mr. Stoll backs up this statement by adding, "The only way to learn how to get along with others is to spend plenty of time interacting with others." This is a good argument, however it is not the only way to learn how to interact, everyone is extremely different and we all learn and enjoy different things. Mr. Stoll goes on explaining the situation of a young man, Steve spends most of his free time playing online games, he claims he feels accepted when he is playing these games, it's a simple fact that some people are naturally shy or have a hard time getting along with different people. Why would anyone try denying someone of something that makes him or her feel accepted and wanted?
The way we communicate is allowing us to meet and interact with people that we might have never had a chance to otherwise, Email and instant messaging are also being tied into cell phones, this allows for ultimate portability and convenience, contact with friends and family can be made in an instant. For instance, in case of emergency or an urgent message we can be connected instantly to help. In conclusion, Technological advances are ever-changing and will always help to make lives more efficient. From the Internet to our homes and lives, being connected through technology has helped in many ways. Home, life and relationships are built on technology and can only be made better by it.
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