1. The best choice of a technique when blood is found at a crime scene is analyzing the blood. In the genetics laboratory the person who contributes I would say is Alec Jeffreys as he is known as the father of genetic profiling.…
3. Police officers, crime scene investigators and others in the justice system rely on forensic science techniques to ensure that the right people are punished for law violations and to keep people safe. Fingerprints are starting players in the criminal offense and defense lineup. They are so important to criminalistics that justice officers still use fingerprint systems over a hundred years after scientists developed them.…
1.I do think that changing technologies make it easier to determine who is responsible for a crime. If it werent for such technologies we wouldnt of been so sure as to who had comittied the crime. We can trace DNA, hair, blood, and shoeprints. We are able to see how they murdered or committed the crime step by step.…
6. Which new forensic technology discussed in the video do you think will have the greatest impact on forensic science? Why?…
Answer: A device called the Reflected Ultraviolet Imaging System (RUVIS) aims UV light at areas where fingerprints may be.…
2. Why do you think forensic science has been increasingly used by the criminal justice system?…
Introduction:Dna evidence has been known for many years in crime scenes.Dna evidence was first discovered in 1986.Dna evidence can find anyone by finding blood,skin cells,hair,saliva,and semen.Dna evidence can be good at finding people 95% at a time,because of the cells in the dna.…
2. Forensic science has been increasingly used by the criminal justice system because of its growing accessibility. Technological advances over the last hundred years have made methods such as finger printing, blood and DNA analysis, and other forms of identification much easier for forensic scientists to perform, thus paving the way for the development of this field. Similarly, there has been an increased popularity for…
I think the best technique to chose when blood is found at a crime scene is analyzing the blood in a lab. The individual that contributed to modern gnetics analysis is Alec Jeffrey. Alec contributed polymerase chain reaction.…
The most common strategy that forensic science experts uses is that fingerprints, bite mark and ballistics for the purpose of determining the real perpetrators of the crime. The reason is that when a person is involved in an offence and touches any of the items around the scene of the offence, the person's fingerprints are reflected on the item. Hence, the forensic team has a strategy of getting the fingerprints from all items found at the scene of crime regardless of the number of people that touched anything around the area. The most unfortunate thing is that the entire fingerprint-collecting process appears to be scientific in nature as it has a process that it is used to obtain the fingerprints. However, the process has over the time proved that the process is not entirely scientific a thing that has made the process to appear pseudoscientific. The reason is that a lot of biases have been noted to be emanating from the fingerprint process. A lot of inconsistencies, contradictory, and claims that the forensic team cannot prove has been…
since Edmund Locard, there has been tremendous growth in forensic science. There are four main reasons there have been an increase in the number of forensic laboratories since the 1960s.…
The Green River Killer (GRK) was a serial killer in the 1980’s who obtained many victims in the Seattle, Washington area. Since the 1980’s the technology used in criminal investigations have improved tremendously in efforts to aid investigators in their investigations. Some technology advances are in the field of forensic science the study of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and how DNA analysis can tell from what substance(s) a person died from and can link a victim to a killer or a killer to a victim. Also advancement in the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) allowed the comparison of thousands of 10-print fingerprints in the system in less than 30 minutes. Another advancement would be in the Forensic Entomology and how insects can help determine the time of death of the victim and if the victim’s body had been moved from a previous location.…
These tools have many helpful uses and should be able to be utilized by police and detectives to help unearth the most accurate information. Today, devices that could only have been dreamt about 20 years ago are a reality. Drones, Smartphones, and Biometric information (fingerprints and retina scanning) are just a few of the many leaps and bounds we have made in terms of technology. This means that cases from long ago have not been examined with the full potential they could be. The world and the way we use technology is changing and expanding, and i believe that the law system should grow with it. With the double jeopardy law still being implicated, it is not possible for this to…
9. The Discovery of the PCR technique occurred in 1983. This technique is used to copy small amount of DNA unlimited amounts of time. This can play a large role today in forensic evidence as it uses small amounts of DNA, it can trace back to suspects by this small amount.…
The three changes expected in the field of criminal justice that I chose is the DNA profiling and finger print technology, homeland security and cybercrime. The next 50 years improvements in these fields will ensure a substantial improvement in criminal justice. Each of the changes expected are in some way related to technology. The weaknesses in these fields have been the cause of great distress to the victims.…