From a young age I’ve had a lot of screen time; I’ve always grown up having a computer in the house, and as soon as iPods became the ‘norm’ I got one of those too. And, of course, watching my favorite Disney Channel show after school was a must.
Over the years I’ve seen technology evolve and how it makes life easier and more enjoyable. I remember my family’s old tv, the video quality was, quite frankly, not very good.
The actual tv itself was a giant. As time goes on, it is hard to remember what it was like to watch shows on it.
Today, I don’t think I could go a day without my family’s flat screen. Watching in HD has become the norm. Flat screen tvs have changed the viewing experience, making it more enjoyable for the viewer.
When I was little new technology was cool. Whether it was a walkman, a Gameboy, an
MP3 player, or iPod, I just had to have it.
We’re considered generation Z. Annalise Walliker said in an article in the Herald Sun,
“They're Generation Z, born from 1995 onwards, the latest generation made up of today's babies and children.”
But we’re so different from kids today. Yes, we grew up with technology, we taught ourselves how to use it at a young age, but today, kids are starting off even younger and are relying on technology for everything.
When I see a toddler playing on an iPad, I’m not sure what to think. It is amazing that at such a young age the child is able to learn colors, numbers, and letters from such a wonderful device. But it makes me nervous that the child is being raised on technology and will most likely be addicted to it.
When I was in 6th or 7th grade I knew I was addicted to my iPod Touch; I used it for everything. I remember playing game after game, eventually I would beat a game and start it all over again and again, and if I got bored, I could just download another game.
Now that my younger brother is that